Information on phone numbers

Information on phone numbers

Information on phone numbers
Major phone numbers
Main phone number 82-2-3452-7575
Hospital administration 82-70-7609-9252
Emergency room 82-2-3287-3600
Appointments with doctors 82-70-7609-9068
Reservations and inquiries about checkups 82-70-7609-9911, 9916
Affiliated treatment center 82-70-7609-9068, 9903
Emergency medicine is possible for 24 hours, for 365 days.
Making appointments with doctors

If you make appointments with your doctors,
you can quickly receive treatment.

Adults / Young children’s burns : 82-70-7609-9252

Burn reconstruction : 82-70-7609-9068

Inquiries about endoscopy : 82-70-7609-9319

Health examination center : 82-70-7609-9916

Emergency room operated for 24 hours

It’s the only regional emergency room in Gangnam and Seocho.
