Burn treatment system
The hospital which becomes the center of treating and studying burns
The integrated burn treatment system is responsible for patients with burns
from beginning to end.
- Optimal treatment system based on professional burn treatment of more than 30 years.
- Organic treatment by connecting burn specialists to relevant departments with the burn center as the center
- Nursues specialized in burns and erious patients contcoentrate on nursing them devotedly.
- Psychiatry and social workers treat trauma and heart of patients with burns

Burn treatment process

Patient transfer
For first aid when patients suffer burns, remove materials that cause burns and cool burned areas with running water for about 20 minutes.(Is limited to burns due to boiling water) Cover burned areas with clean gauze or a clean towel and transfer patients to the hospital.
Consultation and burn treatment
Wash the burned areas with antiseptic solutions and remove foreign substances after visiting the hospital. Treat the burned areas by using ointment and materials for treating the burns.
- In case of burns that the body surface area is more than 10% as the patients who are less than 10 or more than 50 years old,
- In case of burns that the body surface area is more than 20% and three-degree burns are more than 10% as all ages,
- Burns including faces, hands, feet, external reproductive organs, and major joints
- Burns accompanied by fracture or lacerated wounds
- In case that patients have standard diseases (Hypertension, diabetes, and liver diseases) which can influence burn treatment
- In case that pain or infections are serious,
Intensive care unit
- Prevents complications by continuing to monitor changes of patients’ condition for 24 hours and treating them properly.
Sterilization treatment
Controls serious patients’ levels of immunity and condition by maintaining Class 1 of the clean air to minimize the early burned wound areas infected with external strain.
Infection control room
Concentrates on treating patients’ condition and burned wounds after intial treatment in the intensive care unit and treats and nuses them to prevent their complications.
Burn ward
- Provide the medical services for patients who are hospitalized except serious patients ranging from hosopitalization to discharge from hospital.
Burn treatment
- Plans and provide systematic treatment ranging from intial burn treatment to discharge from hospital, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.
Burn surgery
- Escharectomy, split-thickness skin grafting, full-thickness skin grafting, sking grafting using artificial dermis, and Cultured Epithelial Autografts are conducted according to patients’ condition.
Remedial exercise treatment
Makes burned areas including joints keep joint exercise during the treatment period and is planned in hospitalization to build skin after burn treatment and prevent dyskinesia according to scars.
Reconstructive surgery
- Is planned from the initial stage of burns and the reconstructive surgery period is determined according to burn degrees and patients’ condition.
Skin rehabilitation
Is planned when treatment of wounds is completed and builds joints or prevents hypertrophic scars, the reduction of tissue, and pigmentation.
Social welfare
Tries to solve patients’ problems including their psychological pain, economic difficulties, conflicts between families and unemployment.