Department of anesthesia pain medicine

About the department

Surgery without influencing patients’ life and without pain

The purpose of anesthesia is to maintain patients’ best condition to operate them without influencing their life and without pain. The development of new drugs including inhalation anesthetic and muscle relaxant enables a lot of surgery that had been impossible because the operation time is too long or the method to operate surgical parts is difficult. And it is done to reduce patients’ extreme pain when they undergo surgical operations as the its original meaning. Bestian Seoul Hospital has its best to control paint that they do not have to suffer actively by upgrading its purpose.

Professional treatment fields

  • Pain control
  • Surgery without pain

About the medical team

  • Each treatment schedule is applied for the following period.
  • Schedule period : 2024.12.01 ~ 2024.12.31
  • Today’s date : 2024.12.30.Monday
선생님 예시

Manager Gil, Yang-suk

Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Manager Gil, Yang-suk’s schedule
Treatment subject Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
  • Graduated from Medical School of Ewha Womans University.
  • Master and doctor of the Department of Medical Science, Graduate Shool, Ewha Womans University
  • Completed a resident of the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine in Ewha Womans University.
  • Full-time doctor of the Department of Anesthesoilogy and Pain Medicine in Ewha Womans University Medical Center
  • Effect of Laryngoscopic and Tracheal Intubation Duration on Hemodynamic Response during Anesthetic Induction with Thiopental, Fentanyl and Rocuronium, Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 2005: 49: 147-51)
  • Gabapentin inhibits the activity of the rat excitatory glutamate transporter 3 expressed in Xenoupus oocytes. (European journal of pharmacology. 762():112-7, 2015)
  • Surgical Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Compared with Operating Room (Pediatric anesthesia 2004: 8: 33-9)
Making appointments with doctors

If you make appointments with your doctors,
you can quickly receive treatment.

Adults / Young children’s burns : 82-70-7609-9252

Burn reconstruction : 82-70-7609-9068

Inquiries about endoscopy : 82-70-7609-9319

Health examination center : 82-70-7609-9916

Emergency room operated for 24 hours

It’s the only regional emergency room in Gangnam and Seocho.
