
베스티안 오송 첨단임상시험센터 기공식

*Ground-breaking ceremony of Osong Medicluster


  • 2016.03 Agreement ceremony of Bestian Beauty Treatment Hospital in Peony, China
  • 2016.04 Ground-breaking ceremony of Bestian Osong Clinical Research Center
  • 2016.07 Obtained certification of hospital evaluation for two cycles. 2016.07.01 – 2020.06.30
  • 2016.09 Bestian Seoul Hospital was established – Was operated as the hospital affiliated with a public utility foundation.
  • 2016.10 Held the 8th Bestian Burn Symposium.
  • 2016.10 Held the proclamation ceremony of medical quality management.
  • 2016.12 Citation of health care statistics by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
중국 화상외과학회 초청발표

*Was invited to and made a presentation in ‘Annual meeting of Chinese Burn Association’ in Shenzhen, China in 2015. (Director Oh, Seok-jun)


  • 2015.01 보Was again designated as the professional burn hospital by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  • 2015.03 Joint establishment of the 5th Chinese Burn Skin Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Center
  • 2015.05 Entered into the cooperative hospital agreement with Seoul Boramae Hospital.
  • 2015.05 Entered into the cooperative hospital agreement with Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital Seoul.
  • 2015.06 Was designated as a safe national hospital from Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
  • 2015.07 Entered into the cooperative hospital agreement with Konkuk University Medical Center
  • 2015.08 An anti-disaster drill was conducted – Citation from the governor of Gangnam-gu
  • 2015.08 Entered into the cooperative hospital agreement with Korea University Anam Medical Center.
  • 2015.08 Promoted exchange of the burn treatment field with the Kazakhstani Makajanof Center
  • 2015.10  Held the 7th Bestian Burn Symposium.
  • 2015.10  The delegation of the UAE Department of Heath visited the hospital to establish Dubai Burn Center.
  • 2015.11  Director Oh, Seok-jun of Bestian Hospital as a Korean representative was invited to and made a presentation in ‘Annual meeting of Chinese Burn Association’ in Shenzhen, China. (Latest experiences of burn reconstruction surgery)
  • 2015.12  Was selected as a certified family-friendly business. 2015.12.01 – 2018.11.30
  • 2015.12 Operated the integrated nursing and care services’ ward.


  • 2014.03 Entered into the agreement of medical support for victims of domestic and sexual violence (Gangnam-gu)
  • 2014.06 Was invited to and made a presentation of burn reconstruction surgery in ‘Annual meeting of Chinese Burn Association’ in Shenzhen, China (Director Oh, Seok-jun).
  • 2014.07 Invited a Chinese children with burns to the hospital and supported the medical expenses.
베스티안 두바이 병원 진출 협약 체결

*Was selected and operated as a consignment operator of the Khoory & Koh’ Middle East hospital.


  • 2013.01 Entered into the agreement of the business partnership with Heart to Heart Internation.
  • 2013.03
  • 2013.04 Entered into the cooperative hospital agreement with Severance Hospital in Sinchon
  • 2013.04 Entered into the industrial and academic cooperation agreement with Bucheon University
  • 2013.04 Entered into the mutual cooperation agreement with the Korea Basketball Association
  • 2013.05 Entered into the cooperative hospital agreement with Ewha Womans Univ. Mok-dong Hospital
  • 2013.06 The Burn Center team appeared in EBS ‘Skilled Doctor’.
  • 2013.06 A thesis was published in BURNS Journal (SCIE) (Vice director Yun, Cheon-jae)
  • 2013.08 Made a foster presentation in the academic symposium of ‘Europe Burns Association’.
  • 2013.10 Was selected and operated as a consignment operator of the Khoory & Koh’ Middle East hospital.’
  • 2013.12 Entered into the business agreement and participated in the Korean International Medical Tour Convention (Guanzhou, China)
Making appointments with doctors

If you make appointments with your doctors,
you can quickly receive treatment.

Adults / Young children’s burns : 82-70-7609-9252

Burn reconstruction : 82-70-7609-9068

Inquiries about endoscopy : 82-70-7609-9319

Health examination center : 82-70-7609-9916

Emergency room operated for 24 hours

It’s the only regional emergency room in Gangnam and Seocho.
