Adult burns (Medical team)

The hospital which becomes the center of treating and studying burns

About the medical team

  • Each treatment schedule is applied for the following period.
  • Schedule period : 2024.09.01 ~ 2024.09.30
  • Today’s date : 2024.09.08.Sunday
김경식 원장님

Director Kim, Gyeong-sik

Adult burns and surgery
Director Kim, Gyeong-sik’s schedule
Treatment subject Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
  • Remarks : Please check your consultation hours when you make an appointment with the doctor and visit the hospital because they can be changeable due to circumstances.
  • Graduated from Medical School of Hanyang University.
  • E-MBA of Business School, Korea University
  • Full-time surgeon of the National Medical Center
  • Appointed as an associate outside professor of Medical School of SungKyunKwan University
  • Appointed as an outside professor of Medical School of SungKyunKwan University
  • Director of Bestian Hospital
  • Life member of the Korean Burn Society
  • Public relations doctor of the Korean Hospital Association
  • Appeared in KBS News Today: ‘Aftereffects of survivors of Incheon Inhyeon-dong Fire are serious.’ on November 1999.
  • Appeared in EBAS Education and Culture News: “Children’s burn accidents have increased.” on June 2001.
  • Appeared in MEDI TV: ‘People who meet you in hospitals’ on April 2002.
  • Appeared in KNN News: ‘Small but strong hospital’ on April 2010.
  • Appeared in BBS Buddism Broadcasting System: ‘Radio Show’ on April 2010.
  • Hospital Newspaper: Plan to build the ‘clinical research center of skin-burn treatment’ in Osong on July 2012.
  • Health Focus News: Who treat burn treatment except us? On May 2013.
  • Health Korea News: Go to Bestian Hospital specialized in burn treatment. Our hospital’s strength is teamwork on July 2013.
  • Monthly Professional Hospital: Bestian Hospital specialized in burn diseases, a new paradigm of hospital management, on September
  • Youth Doctor: The place that the best medical teams treat burns superlatively on October 2013.
  • Money Today; Bestian ‘enters Dubai. Burn treatment is the global level.’ on December 2013.
  • Medical Today: Why did Bestian challenge the clinical research center in Osong that top 5 hospitals disregarded? on July 2015.
문덕주 부원장

Director Mun, Deok-ju

Adult burns and surgery
Vice director Mun, Deok-ju’s schedule
Treatment subject Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
Morning 3,17일
  • Remarks : Please check your consultation hours when you make an appointment with the doctor and visit the hospital because they can be changeable due to circumstances.
  • : Medical treatment
  • : Closed
  • Graduated from Medical School of YonseiUniversity.
  • Completed a resident surgeon in Severance Hospital in Shinchon.
  • Full time doctor in the Department of Surgery, Medical School, Yonsei University
  • Training in US Shriner Burn Center in 2008 to 2009
  • Participated and make a presentation in ‘Europe Burns Association’ in Vienna, Austria on August 2013.
  • Made a presentation in the fall symposium of the Korean Surgical Society in 2013.
  • Self-culture skin grafting for patients with wide burns
  • Member of the Korean Surgical Society
  • Life member of the Korean Burn Society
  • International cooperative director of the Korean Burn Society
  • Expert member of surgery (Burns) of the Consumers Dispute Settlement Commission, the Korea Consumer Agency
  • Skin Graft Fixation with Histoacryl Tissue Adhesive in STSG of Burn Patients, the journal of the Korean Burn Society |2009Dec;12(02):164~166
  • Recent Microbiologic Aspects of a Burn Intensive Care Unit, the journal of the Korean Burn Society, 2008 Jun; 11(01):5~9
  • Nema TV: “Burns due to fireworks” on October 2007
  • Electronic Newspaper: ‘Notebooks’ low temperature burns watch’ on March 2008
  • KBS Vivid Sources of Intormation: ‘Be careful of burns due to hot packs’ on January 2011.
  • KBS 9 News: ‘Be careful of burns due to hot packs’ on January 2012.
  • OBS News M: Dangers of inhalation burn’ on April 2012.
  • KBS2 Crisis Escape No. 1: Dangers of pouring water into heated pots’ on May 2012
  • KBS2 Good Morning Korea: ‘Dangers of low temperature burns‘ on November 2012.
  • KBS 2 Morning News Time: ‘Coping burns in your kitchen’ on December 2012
  • KBS 2 Morning News Tiem: ‘coping and preventing low temperature burns’ on December 2012.
  • E Channel Korea Case File No. 5: ‘Inhalation/flame burns’ interview on June 2013
  • SBS Morning Wide: ‘Dangers of low temperature burns due to hot packs’ on January 2014
  • MBC Real Story Eye: ‘What happened in convalescent hospital after treating burns’ on July 2014
  • MBC Live Today Morning: ‘Dangers of low temperature burns’ on February 2015
  • MBC Power Magazine: Safe Korea – Emergency of burns in your kitchen’ on March 2015
  • MBC Standard FM Women Era: ‘Right first aid about burns’ on May 2015
  • The Dong-ADaily News: Health food for one of the three dog days, Like cures like, Be careful of burns! On July 2015
  • KBS 1TV: Special broadcast live, ‘Blood donation, Let’s share your life with other persons’ on July 2015
  • The Dong-ADaily News: Health food for one of the three dog days, Like cures like, Be careful of burns! On July 2015
  • TBS Seoul Traffic Broadcasting System: ‘Be careful of low temperature burns that bake your bodies slowly’ on October 2015.
  • SBS Morning Wide: Hot warning of handwarmer on December 2015
  • KBS Disaster Broadcasting Center: ‘Be careful of low temperatures that do not cause unique pain’ on December 2015
  • JTBC News: ‘I did not know if it is hot. Be careful of low temperature burns due to warmers of hot packs’ on January 2016.
  • MBC Live Today Morning: ‘Be careful of hot water mat that you get burns due to low temperatures while you are sleeping’ on November 2016
이종호 부장

Department head Lee, Jong-ho

Adult burns, the Department of Emergency Medicine
Department head Lee, Jong-ho’s schedule
Treatment subject Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
Morning 10,17일
  • Remarks : Please check your consultation hours when you make an appointment with the doctor and visit the hospital because they can be changeable due to circumstances.
  • : Medical treatment
  • : Closed
  • Graduated from Medical School of Dongguk University.
  • Completed a resident of the Department of Emergency Medicine and a medical specialist of it in Severance Hospital in Gangnam
  • Department head of Emergency Medicine in Korean Armed Forces Capital Hospital
  • Department head of medical treatment in Daegu Military Hospital
  • Vice manger of the Emergency Patient Support Center (Information Center) in Armed forces medical command
  • Manager of the Burn Chenter, Bestian Seoul Hospital
  • Outside assistant professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical School, Yonsei University
  • Overseas training in the Shriner Burn Center in Californa, USA from 2015 to 2016
  • Participated and make a a representation in ‘the American Burn Association’ in Seattle, Washington, USA in April 2012.
  • Life member of the Korean Burn Society
  • Life member of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
  • SBS Morning Wide: ‘Be careful of low temperature burns’ on January 2013
  • KBS Good Morning Korea: ‘The seriousness of low temperature burns due to electric pads’ on April 2013
  • MBN Site Reportage, Scoop World: ‘An effect of three-degree burns on your bodies and pain according to it’ on July 2013
  • E Channel Korea Case File No. 5: ‘Dangers of burns due to chemicals’ on July 2013
  • An analysis of Emergency Department Medical Records of Teaching Hospitals in Korea, the Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
  • Which Urine Sampling Method is Suitable for Women Visiting the Emergency Department, the Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
  • Immune Alteration in Rebleeding, the journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
  • Warfarin Toxicity Patients in the Emergency Department, the journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine5.Patterns and Factors for In-hospital Mortality of Gunshot Injury in Armed Forces Hospitals, the journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine6.Plasma Neutrophil Gelatinase_Associated Lipocalin_ABA(The journal of the American Burn Association)
신재준 과장

Manager Shin, Jae-jun

Adult burns and surgery
Manager Shin, Jae-jun’s schedule
Treatment subject Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
Morning 3,24일
  • Remarks : Please check your consultation hours when you make an appointment with the doctor and visit the hospital because they can be changeable due to circumstances.
  • : Medical treatment
  • : Closed
  • Graduated from Medical School of Hanyang University.
  • Completed a resident surgeon in Hanyang University Hospital.
  • Public health doctor of surgery in Samcheok Hospital
  • Member of the Korean Burn Society
  • Obtained a colonofiberscope license (The Korean Society of Digestive Endoscopy)
  • Obtained a colonofiberscope license (The Korean Society of Digestive Endoscopy)
  • Health Chosun: Lack of skin that should be transplanted ot patients with burns, the patients and doctors only pace around nervosuly’ on August 2014.
  • The Anatomical Properties of Size of Abdominal Aorta in Korean Normal Adult Populations_ Issue 1 Volume 25(2009.5);7-11, the journal of the Korean Society for Vascular Surgery
양반석 과장

Manager Yang, Ban-seok

Adult burns and surgery
Manager Yang, Ban-seok’s schedule
Treatment subject Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
Morning 10,24일
  • Remarks : Please check your consultation hours when you make an appointment with the doctor and visit the hospital because they can be changeable due to circumstances.
  • : Medical treatment
  • : Closed
  • Graduated from Medical School of Yonsei University.
  • 강남세브란스 전공의 수료 /전문의 획득
  • 강남세브란스 전임의
Making appointments with doctors

If you make appointments with your doctors,
you can quickly receive treatment.

Adults / Young children’s burns : 82-70-7609-9252

Burn reconstruction : 82-70-7609-9068

Inquiries about endoscopy : 82-70-7609-9319

Health examination center : 82-70-7609-9916

Emergency room operated for 24 hours

It’s the only regional emergency room in Gangnam and Seocho.
